AxeCapital Landing Page

Terms And Conditions

The materials contained herein are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any interest in any investment vehicles (the “Axe Capital Alternative Asset Management Funds”) managed by Axe Capital Alternative Asset Management. or any of its investment advisory affiliates (together, “Axe Capital”). Any such offer or solicitation shall be made only pursuant to the prospectus or confidential private placement memorandum for such Axe Capital Alternative Asset Management Fund, which qualifies in its entirety the information, set forth herein and contains a description of the risks of investing.

These materials are also qualified by reference to the governing documents and the subscription agreement relating to the relevant Axe Capital Alternative Asset Management Fund. All such documents should be reviewed carefully by all prospective investors prior to an investment in that Fund. All investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Axe Capital Alternative Asset Management Fund (the “Fund”) carefully before investing. The prospectus and, if available, the summary prospectus contain this and other information about the Fund. You can obtain a prospectus and, if available, a summary prospectus, on request. All investors are urged to carefully read the prospectus and, if available, the summary prospectus, in its entirety before investing. Performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal values may fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Important Risks: An investment in the Fund should be considered a speculative investment that entails substantial risks; you may lose part or all of your investment or your investment may not perform as well as other investments. The Fund’s investments involve special risks including, but not limited to, loss of all or a significant portion of the investment due to leveraging, short-selling, or other speculative practices, lack of liquidity and volatility of returns.

The following is a summary description of certain additional principal risks of investing in the Fund: Allocation Risk – Axe Capital’s judgment about the attractiveness, value or market trends affecting a particular asset class, investment style, sub- adviser or security may be incorrect and this may have a negative impact upon performance. Derivatives Risk – the use of derivatives involves the risk that their value may not move as expected relative to the value of the relevant underlying assets, rates, or indices. Derivatives can be subject to counterparty credit risk and may entail investment exposure greater than their notional amount. Distressed Securities Risk – investments in securities of business enterprises involved in workouts, liquidations, reorganizations, bankruptcies and similar situations involve a high degree of risk of loss since there is typically substantial uncertainty concerning the outcome of such situations. Event-Driven Trading Risk – involves the risk that the specific event identified may not occur as anticipated and that this may have a negative impact upon the market price of the securities involved. Foreign Investments/Emerging Markets Risk – involves special risks caused by foreign political, social and economic factors, including exposure to currency fluctuations, less liquidity, less developed and less efficient trading markets, political instability and less developed legal and auditing standards. High Portfolio Turnover Risk – active trading of securities can increase transaction costs (thus lowering performance) and taxable distributions. Model and Technology Risk – involves the risk that model-based strategies, data gathering systems, order execution and trade allocation systems and risk management systems may not be successful on an ongoing basis or could contains errors, omissions, imperfections or malfunctions. Alternative Asset Manager Risk– managers may make investment decisions which conflict with each other and as a result, the Fund could incur transaction costs without accomplishing any net investment result.
